Sunday, August 8, 2010

A week end to catch up

Looking out the window of a cabin on Norton Ranch just west of Prince George BC, horses in the paddock beside the cabin and wide open spaces with few buildings and even fewer people! A wonderful quiet place to spend a couple of days on the weekend before starting club visits again next week. Some walks around the pastures, time to read, rest and of course catch up on emails and Rotary communications.

We are in our second week and 897 km away from home. Last week I visited the Rotary Clubs of Williams Lake, Williams Lake Daybreak and Quesnel meeting with Rotarians at Board meetings, club meetings and social events. Tomorrow we head back into Prince George to visit the three clubs there and the club in Mackenzie before heading back home next Friday.
District 5040 has quite a large geographical area that will take us away from home for a total of about 6 weeks visiting clubs as District Governor in the next three months. It is inspiring to meet Rotarians and learn more about all their efforts to build Communities and Bridge Continents.

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