Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Other side of being DG.

I spent several hours last night on the administrative role of the District Governor. District Treasurer JoAnne Amos and I spent two hours reviewing district expenses and the administration of district funds. This is a critical part of the position of being governor. The stewardship of dues paid by Rotarians to our district is very important.

The district also receives funds from Rotary International to assist with some training events and to cover part of the governor’s expenses. In addition the district will receive funds from The Rotary Foundation as a future vision district. These funds are for District Grants and must be accounted for and reported separately.

Rotary faces challenges different than those faced by standard commercial companies. Our annual change of leadership means we need continuity and consistency from year to year. DGE Hans Doge participated in the meeting last night to ensure the ongoing stewardship of Rotary funds in District 5040.

The governor is accountable for how the funds entrusted to the district are used. It must be a priority. Our district finances are in very good order. The board of directors of District 5040 Inc and the district finance committee take their role seriously. It is a pleasure to work with our treasurer JoAnne who is very organized and efficient in managing Rotary funds.

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