Congratulations to the Rotary World Help Network for being selected as the winner of the 2011 Donald MacRae Peace Award for Zone 24.
The award will be presented in Boston in August 2011 at the Zone 24-32 Institute.
This award recognizes the hundreds of hours of volunteer time put in by the many Rotarians, their spouses, partners, family and friends who collect medical, humanitarian and educational supplies and ship the supplies around the world to support impoverished communities and in many cases support work being done by Rotary clubs with Rotary Foundation grants and World Community Service projects. The Rotary World Help Network is a multi club and multi district project. RWHN in the past 15 years has shipped hundreds of sea containers of humanitarian aid worth millions of dollars nearly all is donated surplus material.
The Rotary Zone Donald MacRae Peace Award is an annual award presented by Rotary Zones 24 and 32 to recognize and honour an individual or organization for outstanding achievement consistent with the ideals of Rotary as expressed in the Fourth Object of Rotary. "The advancement of International understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional people united in the ideal of service"
The award commemorates the contribution of Halifax Rotarian Donald MacRae, who in a speech to the International Convention in Kansas City in June 1918 proposed that Rotary become an agent for the promotion of goodwill and peace among nations - the first time that this vision of Rotary was expressed publicly.
Reflecting the vision created by MacRae, the award focuses on advancing international goodwill, understanding and peace through peace-making efforts or humanitarian activity of international significance.
The recipient of the Donald MacRae Peace Award receives an inscribed glass plaque and a commemorative certificate. The individual or organization nominated must be one whose life, mission, or work demonstrates outstanding achievement consistent with the ideals of the Fourth Object of Rotary International, having made an outstanding contribution to this cause through international efforts such as World Community Service. Awards will not be made posthumously.
The selection committee is composed of five members from Zone 24, named by the R.I. Director responsible for Zone 24.
Thank you Rotary World Help Network and every committee member and volunteer for your dedication, passion and commitment to service. You have changed the lives for the better for thousands of children, families and communities. We are all indebted to you.
Penny Offer
Governor 2011-12
Governor 2011-12
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