Friday, January 14, 2011

Why does Polio Eradication Cost so Much?

Rotarians often ask why polio eradication costs so much. This is a valid question. This short news story from Angola is a good example of where the funds go. More than 600,000 children and young adults are being vaccinated over three days. This requires a staff of 2000. The majority of the 2000 are paid health care workers. They may only earn a few dollars a day but there is significant cost. The vaccine cost is more than half a million dollars, plus transportation, coolers for the vaccine, yellow vests for the works, meals, advertising and accommodation.

Polio vaccination campaign this weekend in Cabinda

Cabinda - The third stage of vaccination against poliomyelitis is to take place on January 14-16, this year, in the northern Cabinda Province, says a source of the sector.

The official in charge of the department of public health and control of endemic illnesses, António Gomes Tati, said the campaign is intended to vaccinate 618,000 citizens, among adults and children.

About 2,000 people will participate in the door-to-door campaign, meant to reduce the propagation of the illness that affects not only children, but also adults.

Since the beginning of the outbreak, last year, were recorded 38 cases of the illness, out of them 34 adults, causing five deaths.

It has not been recorded any case of this illness in Cabinda Province, since December 2010.


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