Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cariboo North membership workshop a success

The second district membership workshop was held on Sunday, January 30 in Quesnel with representation from six Rotary clubs in the Cariboo and Prince George.

This interactive workshop was organized and led by district membership chair Linda Coyle assisted by DG Penny Offer, PDG Chris Offer and DGN Rebecca McPherson. The workshop focused on building vibrant Rotary clubs. Sessions and participants discussed what makes Rotary clubs vibrant, membership development for clubs and demographics of district 5040. The proposals for new types of membership categories, satellite clubs, corporate membership, associate membership and innovative and flexible clubs were discussed. These are pilot projects that start July 1, 2011.

Participants were asked to write down at least one thing they will do in the next month to improve membership in their club. There were also asked to report back to their clubs on the discussion and new ideas they learned at the workshop.

Thanks to everyone who attended and made the day a great success.

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