Friday, April 23, 2010

Seminars in the Northwest

This past weekend, April 17-18, 2010, DGE Penny Offer and District Trainer Dean Rohrs lead a training team in Terrace for the District Assembly and Future Vision Training. This was the last of three weekends for this training to be offered in District 5040.
The team included PDG Art Erasmus, PP Lesley Erasmus, PDG Mary Watson, District Rotaract Chair Bill Sauer assisted by Rotarian Renee Quezada for the Assembly and PDG Kevin Conway for Future Vision.  Rotarians from Prince Rupert, Kitimat, Smithers,Terrace and Burns Lake participated in the training.

Of particular note in the training:   the requirement for certification for Rotarians involved in all youth programs  not just Youth Exchange; awareness of risk in our activities and the need to recognize and manage the risks; and  club qualification for  Future Vision in order to apply for matching funds  from the District and The Rotary Foundation for humanitarian and educational service activities.

Kitimat Rotarians arranged dinner on Saturday night for the training team and several visiting Rotarians joined the Terrace Rotarians for their weekly Friday evening of socializing. Thank you to all the local Rotarians for participating in the training, and for their warm hospitality.

Clubs in District 5040 were encouraged to be BIGGER,BETTER, and BOLDER as they work to Build Communities and Bridge Continents in 2010-11. 

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