Monday, August 30, 2010

A weekend in the Bulkley Valley.

View from our B & B
Looking towards Hudson Bay
Moutain from our B & B
A weekend in the Bulkley Valley. After visiting the northwest clubs last week we are looking forward to visits this next week in Smithers and Burns Lake on Highway 16 between Prince Rupert and Prince George. We booked into a B&B in a log lodge outside of Smithers for the weekend. We are surrounded by mountains in this beautiful valley. We visited the 91st annual fall fair and talked to Rotarians flipping burgers and boiling corn to raise funds for their local and international projects. A very busy few days for the Smithers Rotarians. A few days for us to get some rest, catch up on emails, do a newsletter and enjoy this beautiful part of District 5040 before visiting two more clubs next week and then heading back home to Vancouver. We will drive about 3400 km on this two week trip visiting clubs before we get back home.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pennies for Polio

Pennies for Penny for Polio. This challenge by the Rotary Club of Vancouver Quadra to all the clubs in District 5040 is generating some fun raising PennyWeights to support the $200M Challenge. A Penny Weight has been calculated as $250 - my weight in pennies! Rotarians from many clubs are bringing in their stashes of coins to support the cause.

A Single Malt box full of change
presented in Prince Rupert
Clubs are setting up Penny Pots to collect change each week. Some Rotarians are setting up Penny Pots in their places of business. Rotarian Ken from the challenging club has developed posters to advertize the campaign with a new poster each month. Thank you to everyone who is supporting the challenge. Send me your stories of Pennies for Penny for Polio.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

North West Visit

Prince Rupert
August 21 to 26 club visits in the north west of District 5040. 1724 km from Vancouver to Prince Rupert, four club visits and three Rotary communities - Terrace, Kitimat and Prince Rupert. Heat and smoke during the two days of driving to the north west, then clouds and rain and cooler temperatures. Beautiful country every where we go. And of course warm welcomes from Rotarians and opportunities to learn about the clubs, their projects and their challenges. Lots of issues still in this area with changing economic times, mills closed or closing, forestry in decline and new opportunities on the horizon but not yet a reality.

Rotarians continue to provide service to their local communities, host Youth exchange students and take pride in their work. In Prince Rupert the two clubs merged at the end of last Rotary year forming a larger and stronger presence for Rotary in their community. The small club in Kitimat hopes to grow this year. Membership is their key issue for the year ahead if they want to remain a viable club. They are an enthusiastic and welcoming group. In Terrace the two clubs are active and maintaining their membership size and are visible in their community. Thank you to AG Nancy and her husband Odd for their support attending these meetings with Chris and I.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

August 16 to 20 2010

This week we have been back home – unpacking, catching up with Rotary emails and chores around the house and packing up to head out again on Saturday for another two weeks on the road to the far northwest corner of District 5040.
I have visited two clubs this week in the south part of District 5040 in the metropolitan area of Vancouver called the Lower Mainland where our home is located.

The Rotary Club of Steveston-Richmond, chartered 10 years ago this Rotary year is an active involved hands on club with many local and international projects. Some of their members leave soon for a dental mission in Zihuatanejo Mexico. Now 31 members strong, they are Rotarians who get it done.

The Rotary Club of Burnaby Metrotown gave Chris and I a warm welcome to their club. Their Membership Accountability focus making membership everyone’s responsibility is adding new members to their club. Their Rotary Coats for Kids program has provided over 5000 Burnaby children and teens with needed winter coats since 2004. Last year they provided over 1300 coats. Way to go Rotarains.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Club Visits August 9th to 12th

AG Gary Gurnsey, Pres Lisa Tomich,
DG Penny in Mackenzie 
We are back home after being away from home for 11 nights and travelling 2247 km visiting 7 clubs over the past two weeks. Last week we visited clubs in Prince George and Mackenzie British Columbia. Beautiful warm sunny weather and the wonderful hospitality of Rotarians greeted us as we travelled around this beautiful part of District 5040. The three clubs in Prince George hosted a tri city BBQ for my visit at the Rotary gazebo overlooking the city from the campus of UNBC. This was a great opportunity to meet many local Rotarians and their families. Thank you to the three presidents and each Rotarian who helped make our stay memorable.

Mackenzie, one of our smallest clubs and one of the most isolated is looking forward after some difficult years during the recession. President Lisa invited many guests to the club meeting where we inducted a new member. She hopes to get a couple of more members for Rotary in Mackenzie after this meeting.

Rotary Gazebo Prince George
Thanks to AG Gary for all his assistance during our visit to the “north” and all his support for the clubs in his area around Prince George.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A week end to catch up

Looking out the window of a cabin on Norton Ranch just west of Prince George BC, horses in the paddock beside the cabin and wide open spaces with few buildings and even fewer people! A wonderful quiet place to spend a couple of days on the weekend before starting club visits again next week. Some walks around the pastures, time to read, rest and of course catch up on emails and Rotary communications.

We are in our second week and 897 km away from home. Last week I visited the Rotary Clubs of Williams Lake, Williams Lake Daybreak and Quesnel meeting with Rotarians at Board meetings, club meetings and social events. Tomorrow we head back into Prince George to visit the three clubs there and the club in Mackenzie before heading back home next Friday.
District 5040 has quite a large geographical area that will take us away from home for a total of about 6 weeks visiting clubs as District Governor in the next three months. It is inspiring to meet Rotarians and learn more about all their efforts to build Communities and Bridge Continents.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Pennies for Penny for Polio

The Rotary Club of Vancouver Quadra challenges every club in District 5040 to collect Pennies for Polio.  DG Penny has thrown her weight behind this effort. Quadra asks that you throw your weight behind DG Penny and tip the scales in every child's favour. Raid the piggy bank, save your spare change, collect from friends. Show the world that we care by collecting thousands of Penny Weights - one Penny Weight is worth $250. Contact Ken Kolotyluk for more information
Eight year old Lillian Beuschel daughter of RC of Quesnel Rotarian Rebecca Beuschel, raided her collection of pennies this week to support the campaign to eradicate Polio. Lillian presented 1.3 kilos of pennies - four dollars and thirty five cents to Governor Penny after hearing about the challenge from the RC of Vancouver Quadra to clubs to raise Penny Weights for Polio.
Thank You Lillian for your very special donation to save 8 children from getting Polio! Lillian has taken the lead - what can you and your club do?
Download the flyer with more information on the Pennies for Polio Campaign. Click HERE

Thursday, August 5, 2010

August 3rd to 7th First week of Official DG Club Visits:

Forest fires everywhere and a heavy layer of smoke over the Cariboo did not dampen the welcome for DG Penny to Williams Lake and Quesnel in the Cariboo on her first club visits.

The two Williams Lake clubs held a joint club BBQ including a wagon ride around town. The two club presidents Ron Malmas and Bevan Koch are planning to bring the two clubs closer together starting with the BBQ for the DG. They are both planning to participate in the Government House Literacy project headed up by PDG Bob Blacker. Great to see the clubs working together to support the work of Rotary. The theme in Williams Lake this week was - On Fire for Rotary!

Second stop in the Cariboo was Quesnel with the wonderful hospitality of the RC of Quesnel Rotarians led by Club President John Havens. More smoke from the thousands of acres of forest on fire around this community. YE student Jordin had his long curly locks cut short to raise money for Polio. Over $2200 was raised to support his efforts. This club also planning to get involved in the Government House Literacy project with local First nations bands. DGN Rebecca MacPherson hosted a potluck BBQ social to end the DG visit in typical Quesnel style.

Two Rotarians received Building Community Bridging Continents recognition from DG Penny for their work supporting the RI Theme for 2010-11. John Stace-Smith from the Williams Lake Daybreak Rotary Club and Rebecca Beuschel from the RC of Quesnel are the honoured recipients.
Thanks to all the Cariboo Rotarians for their support and welcome.